Completing my 1st Term at University!

Hello my dear readers, and welcome or welcome back to this messy attempt of a blog! 

On location filming our short fiction film.
Now I’m sure you’ve been wondering where I’ve been since late August when I last posted an update - lets be real for a second, none of you were wondering where I’ve been because the only people who read this are my lovely friends and family - but let's pretend this isn’t the case for my own crippling self esteem!

Moving on…. As of Friday 13th December 2019, I have officially finished my first term at university! 

Let me tell you studying for a film degree is nothing like I thought it would be. I went to university thinking I had a fairly decent knowledge in film and tv and that I had seen a fair range of films…. Turns out that was not true…

Looking back at nearly all my reviews I had written for this website makes me cringe because I thought I knew so much when in reality I probably just sounded like an absolute twat. 
On location filming our short fiction film.
HOWEVER, one shall not just sit around and mope (I totally did for like three days but then I got over it) instead I’ve attempted to just learn as much as I can. I’m thankfully on a great course where I learn about various roles in film. The main core ones that I have begun to learn are sound, editing, cinematography and screenwriting, I have also had some brief producing lessons - this is more of a focus for second term. The way this works allows me to “try a bit of everything” and see what I enjoy and what I would portenialy study in second year. So far I’m really enjoying my screenwriting module and that is what I think will be my main focus because it’s what I feel best at. 

On location filming our short fiction film.

On the topic of Screenwriting, I’ve recently just wrapped on a short fiction film that I wrote (with the advice of my director). It was great to actually see something I had been involved in creating coming to life during production. I also worked on sound during filming days! The project has just entered the post-production stage and should be finished in the new year. So I’ll post the film on here once it’s been through a final cut and submitted. 

I am well aware I have just written a paragraph about how much I love screenwriting but the written structure of this current post is an absolute mess. To my defence I am writing this at 12:38am… 

I also have weekly Film History and Theory lectures which is very interesting if not sometimes a little confusing because film is constantly evolving, however with each lecture I also watch a new film which is always a plus (even if sometimes the plot will nearly put me to sleep, however that could also just be my 9am start - I'm still trying to figure that bit out). 

On location filming our short fiction film.
Overall however, the best part about going to University has been making friends on the course who share my passion for creativity and film. It's so thrilling and refreshing to work with other amazingly creative individuals who are just as passionate, as oneself, about making and creating films. I’ve also got one or two reviews planned for Christmas, however I do also have an essay to work on which takes priority. Like I mentioned earlier, I do plan to post any films I happen to make on this website too, so make sure you follow my social media to keep updated! 

Social Media: twitter (@niamhcrawley_)instagram (@crawley.filmandtv)facebook 


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